HERITAGE TOURISM. Guided Tours and Site Monitoring The Northeast Region partnered with the City of Ponce Inlet to host a guided hike and monitoring day at Ponce Preserve. Ten participants learned about the archaeology of Green Mound, and how they can help protect the site through monitoring with Heritage Monitoring Scouts (HMS) Florida. Staff led a hike through the Preserve to see the mound and helped participants complete a scout report. Rachael Kangas presented Florida site-specific lec- tures on topics like “Prehistoric Snowbirds” to groups traveling within Southwest Florida, and led HMS workshops at notable Southwest Florida sites like Mound House. History Bike Gainesville (HBG), an ongoing Central Region outreach program, gets people out and about to heritage sites important to Gainesville history. This year, HBG offered numerous opportunities for area residents to experience nearby sites related to the Spanish colonial era, Gainesville’s musical history, and many other spots off the beaten track. The Southeast Region partnered with staff from the Bureau of Land Management to lead a monthly ar- Florida’s heritage tourism is exciting, unique, and growing; FPAN participates in events throughout the year to help encourage access to cultural resources.