19 fieldwork in Palm Beach County. FPAN staff worked alongside students from University of Florida as well as Palm Beach County Archaeologist Chris Davenport and county interns to document the site. Additionally, staff began working with Miami Dade County Archaeologist Jeff Ransom and the Deering Estate on a Phase II evaluation of the property, which demonstrates evidence of continu- ous occupation from the early Ar- chaic period through the mid-20th century. Alliance for Collier’s Coastal Resiliance (ACCR) The Southwest Region was thrilled to be a partner organization for the Alliance for Collier’s Coastal Resilience, led by University of Florida and Florida Gulf Coast Uni- versity. In May 2018, representa- tives from different ACCR partners worked to develop a web-based interactive decision-support tool for Adaptation of Coastal Urban and Natural Ecosystems (ACUNE) and met to discuss the status of the project. This tool will be critical in assessing the resilience of different resources, including archaeological sites and other heritage landmarks. Research Reserve for continued monitoring of Shell Bluff Landing, visiting cemeteries throughout St. Johns County, reporting downed trees at Mt. Royal to BAR, and offering support to New Smyrna Beach in the removal of debris at the Old Stone Wharf. In total, staff and volunteers visited 41 sites in September 2017 and continued to check on more through October. Florida Preservation Atlas West Central Region staff con- tinue to work alongside DHR to provide up-to-date information for Florida’s Certified Local Gov- ernment (CLG) program on the Florida Preservation Atlas. The At- las is an inventory and information source of Florida CLGs and Florida Main Street Programs. QUICK FACTS: 75 Florida cities and counties participate in the Certified Local Governments (CLGs) program Hurricane Impact Assessments Staff from the Northeast Region worked with various agencies and municipalities to assess impacts from Hurricane Irma at sites throughout the Region. Efforts in- cluded coordinating with the GTM Annual Report 2017/18 Staff from the GTM Research Reserve assess damage to Shell Bluff Landing.