ing 3D models of artifacts dis- cussed in FPAN curricula that can be used by staff when engaging the public. After the artifacts are printed, they must be cleaned and painted, a time-consuming pro- cess that would have been difficult to achieve without volunteers. In return, volunteers, many of whom are college students, learn aspects of 3D capture and printing; these are emerging technologies that will no doubt be a part of their future anthropological endeavors. First Friday Monitoring Days The Northeast Region kicked off a series of First Friday Monitoring Days for HMS Florida volunteers. In February 2018, four scouts helped staff monitor five sites at the GTM Research Reserve and, in March 2018, three scouts helped monitor a site at Flagler County’s River to Sea Preserve. The moni- toring days allow volunteers a chance to hone monitoring skills with the guidance of staff, while aiding partnering land managers with resource management. Top Collage: A volunteer assists in the cre- ation of 3D printed artifacts. Bottom: HMS Florida scouts monitor sites at the GTM Research Re- serve as part of the First Friday Monitoring Days. 13 Annual Report 2017/18