11 (FKNMS) to host the first sub- merged HMS Florida workshop to assess and document submerged cultural heritage that may have been impacted by hurricanes and other recent inclement weather. Cemetery Resource Protection Training (CRPT) In May 2018, the Southeast Region led a CRPT workshop, sponsored and hosted by the Dade Heritage Trust, focusing on cemetery care and protection. Cemeteries are outdoor community museums, which provide an invaluable link to the history and culture of an area. For the May workshop, par- ticipants learned about cemetery care basics and laws pertaining to historic cemeteries at the Dade Heritage Trust’s headquarters before heading out to the Miami City Cemetery to carefully clean headstones and gravesites. In November 2017, staff from the East Central Region held a CRPT course for the M.O.S.E.S. (Main- tenance, Organization, Security, Environmental, Services) project group at Gomez Cemetery. The cemetery is one of the original African-American cemeteries in Hobe Sound and the M.O.S.E.S. group, comprised of many descen- dants of those interred at Gomez, were interested in finding ways to The North Central Region worked with the cemetery committee at St. John’s Episcopal Church to help them maintain and preserve their historic cemetery. Staff pro- vided a CRPT for members and held several meetings with them to discuss specific areas of con- cern, including their iron fencing. Project Archaeology Training Staff from the Northeast Region hosted two teacher training work- shops in July 2017, teaching the Project Archaeology curriculum to 13 local teachers. On July 12-13, staff partnered with the National Park Service to host “Investigating a Tabby Slave Cabin” at Kingsley Plantation in the Timucuan Eco- logical and Historic Preserve. On July 26-27, staff partnered with the St. Augustine Lighthouse and Maritime Museum to host “Inves- tigating a Light Station” at the St. Augustine Lighthouse. The second training also served as a facilitator training for five FPAN staff from the Northwest and North Central Regions. QUICK FACTS: 90+ training programs conducted by FPAN throughout Florida better document and preserve the historic African-American cem- eteries of the area. FPAN contin- ues to collaborate with ongoing preservation efforts by the group, which recently incorporated as the Historic Gomez Cemetery Archae- ological and Cultural Conservation Committee, Inc. (HGCAC). Annual Report 2017/18 State land managers learn about archaeology at Bulow Plantation from Dr. James Davidson on a site visit during Archaeological Resource Management Training.