STAFF DEVELOPMENTS. COORDINATING CENTER Bernita Bryant joined the Coordinating Center as new Office Manager. William Lees co-authored an article entitled “The Future of American Archaeology: Engage the Voting Public or Kiss your Research Goodbye!” with Terry H. Klein, Lynne Gold- stein, Deborah Gangloff, Krysta Ryzewski, Bonnie W. Styles, and Alice P. Wright in Advances in Archaeological Practice, 6:1, 2018. Della Scott-Ireton authored two book chapters: “Pensacola’s Public Participation: Outreach and Engagement” in Florida’s Lost Galleon, edited by Roger Smith (2018); “Museums in the Sea and Time Capsule Trails: Public Outreach and Part- nerships to Preserve Florida’s Maritime Heritage” in Sub- merged History: Underwater Archaeolgy in Florida, edited by Roger Smith (2018). DESTINATION ARCHAEOLOGY RESOURCE CENTER Mike Thomin served his second term as President of the Trail of Florida’s Indian Heritage Board of Directors. He was also nominated and confirmed to the St. Michael’s Cemetery Foundation of Pensacola, Inc. Board of Directors. Mike also served on the Gulf Coast Science Festival Advisory Commit- tee. Jess Hendrix, Janene Johnston, and Zach Harris left their positions as graduate student museum assistants. DARC welcomes Brianna Patterson and Virginia Conway, UWF graduate students, as new museum assistants. NORTHWEST REGION Nicole Grinnan authored an article entitled “The Sailing Ves- sels of Pensacola’s Red Snapper Fishing Industry: toward an understanding of construction trends” in the International FPAN staff at the annual staff meeting in February 2018.