BOARD OF DIRECTORS DR. JUDITH A. BENSE, RPA Chair and Director representing the University of West Florida DR. JOHN WORTH Director representing the University of West Florida DR. GREGORY COOK Director representing the University of West Florida DR. MARY GLOWACKI ex officio Director as State Archaeologist MS. PATTY FLYNN Director representing the Florida Anthropological Society DR. RAMIE GOUGEON, RPA Director representing the Florida Archaeological Council MS. LEE HUTCHINSON, RPA Director at Large, In-state MR. ROBIN MOORE Director at Large, In-state DR. LYNNE GOLDSTEIN, RPA Director at Large, Out-of-state MR. TERRY H. KLEIN, RPA Director at Large, Out-of-state MS. ROBIN ROBBINS Director at Large, Representing the lay public DR. WILLIAM B. LEES, RPA Executive officer and Secretary to the Board DR. ELIZABETH BENCHLEY, RPA Staff advisor to the Board 29 Annual Report 2017/18