b'PAGE18 FPAN RETROSPECTIVE 2005-2020 PAGE19EAST CENTRALREGIONThe East Central Region, located along Floridas Space Coast, is a vibrant center for technology and advances in digital outreach. Public Archaeologist Kevin Gidusko was the longest-serving staff member for the Region and remained during the transfer of the Region from the Florida Historical Society to Flagler College. His interests in 3D technology and Space Coast heritage helped shaped the high-tech outreach components the Center is still known for today. Emma Dietrich is currently the only full-time staff member living in the region. She has done a beautiful job transitioning her outreach skills to make use of existing 3D scanning tools, as well as in developing her own Florida Tales Through Ales program in partnership with Sanfords Wop Hops pub to feature a small-batch specialty beer paired with a lecture. She and Northeast Region Public Archaeologist Emily Jane Murray have transitioned many education and outreach opportunities from in-person to virtual during the COVID-19 pandemic, including their Tea & Trowels series on YouTube.The East Central Regional Center was first established at Brevard Community College, then moved to the Florida I thought I knew a lot of Florida History, but these talks have opened my eyes toHistorical Society, before Flagler College began hosting it, first how much I didnt know. As a native Floridian, its been great to learn more, meetwith an office in Merritt Island and now Sanford. Dr. Rachel Wentz launched the In the Dirt lecture series at Brevard lots of interesting people also interested in Florida history, and meet the speakers.Community College and brought the series to the Florida My husband loves the beer, but he loves the history too! Historical Society when the Center moved. The Florida Historical Society partnership brought opportunities for the Florida Frontiers radio show and publishing opportunities. Windover Florida Tales through Ales Program Participant is arguably the most significant site in the region, a mortuary pond with 7,000-year-old remains, now a National Historic Landmark owned by the Archaeological Conservancy. Top left: Northeast Region Public Archaeologist Emily Jane Murray assists the East Central Region with documenting an eroding shell mound in Martin County. Top right: Former Public Archaeologist Kevin Gidusko speaks to young people about archaeology at the annual Fort Christmas Living History Days event. Bottom left: Public Archaeologist Emma Dietrich after a Cemetery Resource Protection Training (CRPT) workshop in a local historic cemetery. Bottom right: Destination Archaeology Resource Center Museum Manager Mike Thomin leads a talk for the East Central Regions Florida Tales through Ales program at Wops Hops in Sanford.'