b'PAGE10 FPAN RETROSPECTIVE 2005-2020 PAGE11RESOURCE CENTER DESTINATION ARCHAEOLOGY First opened to the public in October 2008, the Destination Archeology Resource Centeris a museum inside the FPAN Coordinating Center. With displays, exhibits, and artifacts thatIn addition to providing the local highlight archaeological sites across thecommunity with tours and field trip state, the Destination Archaeology Re- opportunities to the museum, DARC source Center (DARC) has been free tostaff have developed, with local the public six days a week since it firstpartners, hiking, biking, and kayaking opened its doors. The original plan wastours to archaeological sites across the to use volunteers and students to staffregion. DARC staff have also produced a DARC; however, with the demand forwide range of multimedia content over changing exhibits and robust outreach, athe past decade, from videos and professional Museum Manager was hiredphotos, to online exhibits and to oversee its operation. Currently,interpretive waysides. DARC also Museum Manager Mike Thominprovides public talks to museums, supervises two part-time, paid museumlibraries, schools, and other civic groups, assistants who are enrolled asand it was the first FPAN entity to graduate students in the University oforganize public archaeology talks inside West Floridas Departments oflocal bars and restaurants. Temporary Anthropology and History. He alsoexhibits developed by DARC staff helped create the public radio programfeature the research of UWF graduate Unearthing Florida that broadcasts onstudents and faculty, which then travel WUWF 88.1. Since 2016, Mike Thominacross the state. From film screenings to has also helped facilitate and coordinatestory time programs, DARC a two-year heritage tourism study of thecontinues to offer a wide range of region, followed by a National Heritagearchaeology opportunities for both Area feasibility study for the area. Bothadults and kids. DARC outreach were the first of their kind forprograms further FPANs mission, Top left: Hikers join Destination Archaeology Resource Center staff during a tour of Oak Tree Nature Park in Mary Esther. Top right: WUWFs Sandra Averhart andNorthwest Florida.promote the museum, and develop it FPAN Founder Dr. Judy Bense recording an episode of Unearthing Florida, a short public radio program written by Destination Archaeology Resource Center Museuminto a place that engages and inspires Manager Mike Thomin. Middle right: Visitors to the Destination Archaeology Resource Center explore the stratigraphy of a shell mound in one of the museums exhibits. Bottom: Museum Manager Mike Thomin reads a book during an Archaeology Story Time program for K-2 students.the community with public archaeology.Opposite: The main exhibit area of the Destination Archaeology Resource Center.'