Time: 10:00 am til 2:00 pm
Location: Museum of Science and History, Jacksonville
Description: Join FPAN, MOSH and participating archaeologists from all over the southeastern U.S. for Archaeology Family Day! The day includes activities that let kids of all ages experience the processes and products of archaeological research. The event also features three scheduled events:
11am lecture: "Archaeology Rolls Into the Classroom: An Introduction to the Archaeocart" by Roz Crews,
12 noon: hands-on workshop on stone tools presented by the C.H. Nash Museum of Chucalissa, Tennessee,
1pm lecture: "Archaeology Along the St. Johns River," by FPAN NE Director Sarah Miller.
Admission to MOSH is $10 per adult, $8 per child, and $5 for MOSH members.
Related link: Click Here!
FPAN is co-hosting this event.