Time: 11:00 am til 2:00 pm
Location: Camp Chowenwaw (Green Cove Springs)
Description: Take a walk with FPAN and Camp Chow staff to learn about the terrain and many archaeological sites at this terrific park and campground on Black Creek. Be sure to bring a lunch!
Walk & Talk: 11a.m.
Lunch: 12 noon
Archaeology talk: 1p.m. (repeat information for any who couldn't attend the Walk & Talk)
FPAN is co-hosting this event.
Time: 6:00 pm til 8:00 pm
Location: Amelia Island Museum of History
Description: This month features Dr. James Cusick discussing the Patriot invasion of Florida. In March of 1812, the residents of Fernandina found themselves suddenly taken captive by an invading force from Georgia. Although they were subjects of the Spanish Crown, they and all other residents of Florida were dragged unwilling into a conflict between the United States and Britain, the War of 1812. Though Spain was never an official party to the war, settlers in Florida endured as much ruin and havoc as anyone living in Canada or the Chesapeake. Dr. Cusick, curator of the P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History at the University of Florida, will explain how a neutral colony could find itself in the middle of bloodshed and pillage. It was, 'the other War of 1812'. The program is free for museum members, with a suggested donation of $5 for nonmembers.
Related link: Click Here!
FPAN is posting this event as a courtesy, we will neither be hosting nor attending this event.